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Our Affiliation

Our Affiliation

Existing computer centres, and new entrepreneurs can become our franchisees. Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology authorised centre must be designed in such a way that reflects the image of Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology. It should be creating a positive impact in the minds of the customers.

You should have the following facilities:

Centrally located place with a minimum area of 600 Sq. Ft. in small towns and 400 Sq. Ft. in Metros. Computer Lab - Min 8-10 Computers, Computer configuration should be able to handle new technologies like Office 2007, adobe CS, etc. Uninterrupted Internet Connection as the examination is done online Teaching Faculties - Min 3 Nos. Counsellor / Centre Manager Cabin Toilet & Pure Drinking Water Facilities Parking Facilities

Benefits of Becoming a Franchisee

International Recognition giving competitive Edge over other Institutes. Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology is ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution, giving distinct image to its franchisees. Best Educationist Award winning Institutions, 2018. World Class Online Certification System, so no need to manage any paper work for exams. Franchisee run Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology courses for and on behalf of Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology Students of Franchisee are issued certificates of Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology or Examination Authorities (Govt. / Company Certification). Franchisees are provided with Hi-tech Computer Institute Technology Study Materials Franchisees earning potential is very high. Opportunity to partificate in staff upgradation programs. Centralised Placement Support for the students on successful completion of the courses. Online Tutorials updated with latest technologies to help students to easily understand the study materials. Certificate Verification through our Web Site (www.hitechcomputerinstitute.org)


What they say


Aliquetn sollicitudirem quibibendum auci elit cons equat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet sem nibh id elit sollicitudirem


Aliquetn sollicitudirem quibibendum auci elit cons equat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet sem nibh id elit sollicitudirem


Aliquetn sollicitudirem quibibendum auci elit cons equat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet sem nibh id elit sollicitudirem
